The alias definitions in a .bashrc file are permanent and always available for use. Editing the .bashrc file allows personalizing the Bash shell to make its use convenient and comfortable. Personally, whenever I install Linux anew, I add some aliases finding an appropriate place in .bashrc
E.g. There is a .bashrc in every user’s home folder (99.99% of the time) as well as one system-wide (which I don’t know the location of in Ubuntu). Exec bash is a great way to re-execute and launch a new shell to replace current.

  1. Do you know what is the differences between Linux bashrc and bash_profile?
  2. Creating aliases for your most-used commands will save you some time.
  3. The -y tag automatically answers Yes to any prompt brought up by the two instructions.

In our example, it replaces whatever the current shell is with a fresh instance of bash (with the updated configuration files). You put commands here to set up the shell for use in your particular environment, or to customize things to your preferences. A common thing to put in .bashrc are aliases that you want to always be available. Where whatever_command is the command or script to be executed with all the relevant options and argument.

Everything visible, such as the background color, text, and Bash prompt, is customizable. Don’t forget it is a hidden file inside your home directory (you would not be the first to do a ls -l and thinking it is not there). There is no .bashrc in /etc/ (there is a bash.bashrc, however). When setting up a bare server (ubuntu 16.04), you can use the above info, when you have not yet set up a username, and are logging in via root. This also makes it easier to use the entire file immediately on a new machine without having issues that affect
opening a new terminal window.

The command quoted by you would append the text in heredoc (i.e. the text in VirtualHost tag) to the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/ This requires the package curl, jq, and an API key from Openweathermap. Read the Openweathermap API documentation in order to configure the URL correctly to get the weather in your location. Functions are great for more complicated code when an alias won’t work. The file contains some preset configurations and comments to explain what each section does.

Conditional execution

Now we can get familiar with the steps you need to take for opening bashrc and saving a file, guiding you to use the most out of Linux bashrc. You should know that bash does not support multiline comments. Yet, sometimes you need to continue your commands without finishing them. In this situation, you have to use an open quote (‘or “), backslash (\), or pipe symbol ( | ) at the end of each line so that it enables you to continue your commands and stop them from executing.

Usecase: Creating Aliases

Are you a user of Linux and want to work with Linux bashrc and its command-line? Bashrc is one of the hidden files in the home directory of the Linux operating system but how about bash_profile? Do you know what is the differences between Linux bashrc and bash_profile? One of them is bashrc, which is located in the home directory of the Linux operating system.

In programming, Decision Making is one of the important concepts. The programmer provides one or more conditions for the execution of a block of code. If the conditions are satisfied then those block of codes only gets executed. REMINDER – if you change your .bashrc, be sure to start a new terminal window to make sure it works BEFORE rebooting (best practice – do it immediately after the change). If you ever mess up your .bashrc and reboot YOU MAY NOT BE ABLE TO LOGIN! Personally I also create a second ‘admin’ user on personal machines so that, in such an emergency (broken login), I can log into that and use then use sudo to fix my other login .bashrc file.

Bash is often the default shell in most Linux distributions. Bash which is short for “Bourne-Again shell” is just one type of many available shells in Linux. bashc Press Ctrl+D to save the text to the file and come out of the cat command. The above example shows a function that prints something when called.

Creating aliases for your most-used commands will save you some time. Aliases are like custom shortcuts used to represent a command (or set of commands) executed with or without custom options. This command is a worthwhile command that can display the contents of your directory.

The naming could be considered an instance of verbal irony or accidental innuendo. Bash grammar was initially based on the grammars of the most popular Unix shell programs then currently in use, some of which were considered particularly difficult to use or frustrating at that time. As the years progressed, bash development has made its grammar more user-friendly,[78][79][80][81][82][83] so much so that it seems likely that the bash project has been committed to improving its usablilty. Since then, bash has become the de facto default shell program in most Linux and Unix operating systems. The example ~/.bash_profile below is compatible with the Bourne shell and gives semantics similar to csh for the ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_login.

Other features, e.g., history, are copied from csh and ksh. Bash is a POSIX-compliant shell, but with a number of extensions. Some versions of Unix and Linux contain Bash system startup scripts, generally under the /etc directory. Bash executes these files as part of its standard initialization, but other startup files can read them in a different order than the documented Bash startup sequence. The default content of the root user’s files may also have issues, as well as the skeleton files the system provides to new user accounts upon setup.

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The code in a function’s body only executes once called (invoked). Depending upon your environment, you may want to add scripting to have .bashrc load automatically when you open an SSH session. I recently did a migration to a server running Ubuntu, and there, .profile, not .bashrc or .bash_profile is loaded by default. To run any scripts in .bashrc, I had to run source ~/.bashrc every time a session was opened, which doesn’t help when running remote deploys. It’s best to create a user (with sudo privileges), and login as this username instead. This will create a directory for your settings, including .profile and .bashrc files as described on the previous ressource.

When we first create a file with the .sh extension, it doesn’t have any execute permission and without the execute permission the script will not work. So, we should provide execute permission to it using the chmod command. A function is a set of commands defined under a single name. Functions can perform tasks independently or read variables and use their values to perform an action.

So, if you wish to save your Aliases, you require a permanent Alias. /bin/bash” at the very top of your script, the system knows that you want to use bash as an interpreter for your script. Thus, you can run the script directly now without preceding it with bash. You can also use a terminal-based text editor like Vim, Emacs or Nano.

Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The current working directory is only changed for the execvp() system call so, at the end it will be back to its original value. Now, I also have a custom shell script that does some things in one directory, but I need to call that command mentioned above as if it was in another directory. Modern shells such as Bash and Zsh have inherited this construct from Ksh, but it is not part of the POSIX specification. If you’re in an environment where you have to be strictly POSIX compliant, stay away from it; otherwise, it’s basically down to personal preference. The difference is that the first one is all checked by one instance of the test command, while the second runs two of them.

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